Sunday 24 January 2010

New Beginnings

So, I have decided to follow the trend and create my own blog. I don't know how it will turn out or what it will eventually become, but I hope you will enjoy it (or not), I'll leave that decision to you.

I have two children and Mr S, a husband I mostly adore unless he is being messy or smelly, sometimes both at the same time, yes the cliche of men not being able to do two things at once is not the case in this house.

My children. I love them. Mostly. Sometimes the 3 and a half year old is exceptionally naughty and feral like for no reason, which I guess is the upside to being that age, she can change her mind at a moments notice and no one will hold it against her.

I have a 4 month old who is mostly happy and rather quite chubby, but hey it's good to have a healthy baby, even if people say she has "put on weight recently". Well, wouldn't you if you drank so much milk in one day?

So, mostly in my day I am running around like a crazy woman who has slightly lost her mind, which mostly I have. My 3 year old actually has to remind me of things I have to do in the day, which is rather embarassing but useful at the same time. I try and cook good food for my children and try to be an amazing mother/wife which often starts well but becomes lost by the end of the day - oh well, there is always tomorrow.

So, back to my blog. I hope I have the time to post photos and interesting facts about our lives which I reiterate you will either love or hate, only time will tell!

Until tomorrow my new friends

Mrs S

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