Monday 25 January 2010

The common cold

So, both my girls have colds. The 3 year old spent the night calling my name, each time I went in she informed me she had a cold. Well, yes, by 2am and about 30 trips to her bedroom I think I understand this. The baby made unhappy noises all night. Mr S slept through, but then if I was Mr S instead of Mrs S I would have too.

The common cold used to be a minor inconvenience - before I had children. Now it is like dealing with the Plague. And of course, the children will get better quickly, I will get the cold and it will last for all eternity.

However, because they are my children and I love them, I will continue to make the worthless trips into the bedroom of the older one, even if it is to be told "I have a cold". I will continue to stroke the baby's head each time she makes an unhappy noise. And I will continue to be an exhausted wreck until the colds take flight, and I will continue to do this for many many years to come.

Until tomorrow, be happy and cold free!

Mrs S

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